There are a number of checks that are necessary to ensure that the work being done on site achieves the required design strength. Checks are also necessary to ensure safety of the construction crew. This is a simple concrete inspection checklist.
Checks for the aggregate
-Ensure that it does not have soil or dust
-Ensure that it does not have organic matter.
-Check that aggregate size is within the specified limit
Checks for the steel reinforcement
-Check that the spaces indicated in the drawings are achieved on site
-Check that the steel is not too rusted
-Check that binding is well done

-Check that cover is achieved between the reinforcement and the form work
-Lapping length is appropriate if present.
-The sizes of the steel used is as per specification
-The surface being concreted on is clean and wet.
Plumbing and electrical conduits
-All the necessary piping and box outs have been provided at the appropriate locations.
-All dimensions on plan are achieved on the site.
Organic matter
-Check that there is no organic matter lying where the concrete is to be cast
-Check that the water being used is clean

-Helmets, reflectors, safety boots, harnesses are provided and are appropriately used
-Form work is strong and well supported. It should not give way during concrete placement. Shuttering check is very important.
-Scaffolding is strong and can handle weight
During concreting/ Concreting process
-The concrete is well placed and vibrated
-Concrete is being batched correctly in accordance to the mix design
-Water content in the mix

After concreting
-The concrete is well cured for the intended duration.
Hope this summary has been useful. Build Wisely!