Whether you are preparing your home for the visitors coming over for the holiday season or doing your routine home check up, there are some important things that you should probably take a look at to ensure things keep running efficiently. Home maintenance checklists also allow for you to spot any problems that may have been building up without your knowledge.

1. Tilework – Check on the joints and grouting. The fill between the joints may be chipping off, or dirty. This creates a bad appearance and can be easily fixed at a low cost. Also check or ‘noisy tiles’ which could point to a bigger issue.
2. Paint job – Does your paint work still shine or has it chipped and weathered with time? This might be a good time to get that colour change that the spouse has been asking for. You could use this time to personalize your home to suit your needs. This is a highly rewarding home maintenance task.

3. Electrical connections – It pays to once in a while pop open the metre box and take a look at the connections. It is also good to run over the sockets and ensure that they are working and also delivering the optimum voltage.
4. Plumbing connections – Are there any leaky faucets or pipes? Check your tap connections and your toilet connections. Ensure that nothing is clogged and everything is moving as it should in order to avoid surprises during the festive season. This ensures that the home systems are well maintained and therefore gives one peace of mind.

5. Door locks – Fix that bathroom lock that hasn’t been working. Also note that security is always key so check that the locks inside the house are working correctly, especially if you are going to have large groups of people around.
6. Windows and doors – This might be the only time that you get to do a run through. Check that these are working correctly. That they open and shut as they should. Apply grease where the hinges call for it. It is also quite crucial in home maintenance as it can help you notice if there are changes in the structure, eg. bending slabs.
7. Cracks – Check around the house if there may be any cracks developing. This is important in home maintenance as it can help you keep tabs on the structural integrity of the home. You can inspect in order to understand the cause and solve the issue. Read here to understand more about cracks,

8. Roofing – Check around for leaks, especially on your ceiling. The main purpose here is to note any leakages and catch them early.
9. Gutters – These collect dust and may sometimes house birds and other animals. These should be cleaned routinely and before any rainy season to ensure that the water that collects from them is clean.
10. Compound Clean Up – This is important in home maintenance because it makes the compound not only prettier but also safer. It gives you a chance to go through the compound and pick up any harmful object that may harm the children as they play outside. You can also check the state of the flowers, hedges and the trees in the compound during this time. Any weak branches can be pruned off and special trees can be protected.

The list for home maintenance goes on and on. This checklist covered the most basic things that you should look out for. If you are looking to improve your compound, here are some tips.
Hope this piece has been resourceful. Build wisely!